Time Space & Architecture
by CityScapesGallery
OPENING: Friday, September 15, 2017, 6.00 – 8.00 pm
Huidekoperstraat 26-28 Amsterdam
Please be our guest at the opening of TIME, SPACE & ARCHITECTURE
on Friday, September 15, 6 – 8 pm.
Huidekoperstraat 26-28: a typical late modernist office building in a typical 19th Century street, a building in current transition to become suited to the 21th century as a topical apartment building. The huge building, its position and its state of transition provide ample associations with Space, Time and Architecture, the wellknown book by Sigfried Gideon. Where Gideon emphasized the interdependence between architecture with the space and time (in the sense of ‘period’) in which it occurs the exhibition brings a new take on these intertwined elements, thus it’s title ‘TIME, SPACE & ARCHITECTURE’.
PARTICIPANTS: Lard Buurman; Robbie Cornelissen; Esther de Graaf; Frank Havermans, Anneke Heikoop; Hermelinde Hergenhahn, Izarin & van der Linde; Charlotte Koenen; NL Architects; Tilmann Meijer-Faje; Alexa Meyerman; Daniel Mullen; Paulien Nijenhuis; Semna van Ooy; Anastasia Pandilovska; Frank van der Salm; Sandro Setola; Agniet Snoep; Jean Marc Spaans; Giny Vos, Dickens vd Werff, Edwin Zwakman (and perhaps some others)
EXHIBITION: Time, Space & Architecture
PERIOD: Sept 15 – Oct 27, 2017
OPENING: Friday, Sept 15, 2017, 6-8 pm
LOCATION: Huidekoperstraat 26-28, Amsterdam
VISIT: Every Friday 1 to 6 pm, or on appointment (call: +31652017900)
GETTING THERE: Huidekoperstraat is a side street from Weteringschans near Frederiksplein. Public transport: tramlines 4, 7, 10, stop Frederiksplein.